How Realistic Would This Be?

I am currently 230lbs and 5’7 male, 26. I do not currently work out and I eat like shit. That’s just the truth. I have a decent gut on me that I am ashamed of to be honest. How realistic is it for me to set a a goal of having a six pack by July 1, 2019?

I know that it’s important to set goals that I can hit along the way that are achievable, but as a long term outlook. Is this realistic?

If so, please offer steps to get there in detail? As in, I know I need to start working out and clean up the food, but what exactly should I do?

submitted by /u/olddickhaver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How Realistic Would This Be? How Realistic Would This Be? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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