Stem cells implanted into the brain stop epilepsy seizures in rats - The technique involves taking some of a patient’s own skin cells and turning them into embryonic-like stem cells in the lab. These can then be directed to become a kind of brain cell that damps down seizures, as reported in PNAS.

Stem cells implanted into the brain stop epilepsy seizures in rats - The technique involves taking some of a patient’s own skin cells and turning them into embryonic-like stem cells in the lab. These can then be directed to become a kind of brain cell that damps down seizures, as reported in PNAS. Stem cells implanted into the brain stop epilepsy seizures in rats - The technique involves taking some of a patient’s own skin cells and turning them into embryonic-like stem cells in the lab. These can then be directed to become a kind of brain cell that damps down seizures, as reported in PNAS. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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