Day 1 (redux): 38/M/245 lbs/ 6'0" when posture is correct

This is my....lord, I think I've lost count on how many tries it has been to drop weight. I've been hovering between 240-245 for a couple of years now; the lowest I ever got was about 230, and that was only for a short period of time.

Here's my deal:

-2 kids (3 year old and a newborn), and a supportive wife (who is also a baker)
-white collar job that keeps me in the office a ton
-general physical laziness and lifelong dislike of exercise. This has affected a lot, including stuff like my sleep and posture (which I am only lately realizing is all due to excess weight and limited range of motion/flexibility)

I made my best progress when I was working with a trainer right before kid #1 was born, and part of that was accountability. I'm trying to find that again here without having to spend the $$$$$$.

submitted by /u/heraldic5555
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Day 1 (redux): 38/M/245 lbs/ 6'0" when posture is correct Day 1 (redux): 38/M/245 lbs/ 6'0" when posture is correct Reviewed by Health And Fitness on December 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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