Calling All CICO Experts! I'm at a loss and it's not the good kind.

Hello all,

I know I should be contacting an actual nutritionist but I'm also not going to pretend like this is the first time I've taken life advice from reddittors. I've spent hours researching CICO and all it's done is confuse me. I'm currently a 222 lb, 27 year old female. I've recently gotten really into cooking this year and as of a week ago tomorrow, I started seriously counting my calories - the first few days I found it difficult to even reach 1,200 when before I know I was easily consuming over 2,000 maybe even 3k in processed foods.

My BMR has me between 1400 and 1600 on two different scales, the Harris Benedict equation says my metrics should have a BMR of around 1750. I've used both of a fitbit and apple watch and on a low activity day my TDEE is in the high 2000 with exercise it's closer to 4k. I know they aren't very accurate.

My biggest focus while adapting this new lifestyle - is to do so in a healthy manner - my average calories consumed is about 1,274 and I am logging EVERYTHING and using a food scale as well.

The two main questions I have, where should my calorie intake be on a daily basis if I'm aiming to lose 2 lbs a week? and how much should it be increased or should it ever increase when my the calories burned from exercise are at a surplus?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/wtvrgrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Calling All CICO Experts! I'm at a loss and it's not the good kind. Calling All CICO Experts! I'm at a loss and it's not the good kind. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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