37 days in - Lost 12 pounds so far - Any else use average calories instead of exact numbers per day?

I try to eat 1750 calories per day, but I figured out a method of counting calories that finally works for me.

Whenever I tried to count my calories, I would fixate on the number and it would be all I could think about. "I have 400 calories left for today, I have 400 calories left, I need to eat, I want to eat those 400 calories I have left today"

Then I eat something, it is over 400 calories, and I fall off the wagon

And the other thing I hated doing was counting calories for the individual portions of my meals. So I make spaghetti, I weigh the pasta into the bowls so I know the exact calories, I weigh the meatballs, I weigh the sauce. Then I get three portions and I know plate 1 has 765 calories, plate 2 has 789 calories, and plate 3 has 832 calories. I hated doing this because sometimes I accidentally forget to weigh something or my scale screws up, and now I don't know the exact calories, so I fall off the wagon.

But then I figured something out. Why do I need to count the exact calories per day? I'm going to consume all these calories eventually, so why not use an average.

And that was it. No more weighing individual portions. I knew I used 200g of pasta, 400g of beef, 1 tbsp oil, garlic, onions, whatever. I know how many calories the entire thing is. It doesn't matter if I eat a little more one day and a little less the next, all the pasta and meatballs with sauce I made are 2500 calories. In 3 days, I ate 2500 calories for dinners.

And I can't focus on the number of calories I have left, because I have no idea how many calories I have left, because I didn't weigh my portions. Maybe I ate 900 calories, maybe I ate 700 calories. Who knows? If I make the pasta last 3 days, I know I ate 833 ish calories per day on average.

So now I keep a running total of calories I've eaten and over how many days. It's helped me keep stay on track and makes meal prep so easy.

I've eaten 64795 calories in 37 days, which is 1751 calories on average per day.

Does anyone else do this?

submitted by /u/drflanigan
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37 days in - Lost 12 pounds so far - Any else use average calories instead of exact numbers per day? 37 days in - Lost 12 pounds so far - Any else use average calories instead of exact numbers per day? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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