advice for weight loss and calories whilst recovering from surgery

my tdee is about 1300, my bmr is about 1100 so i've been eating about 1000 calories a day for very slow weightloss.

i'm having major surgery in just over a week, chest reconstructive surgery after which i can only do light activity after 8-12 weeks, and whilst my doctor did not mention it when i did some googling i found articles saying your body burns more calories whilst recovering. i am almost to my goal weight (well about 20lbs out but close enough) and don't want to have to put that on hold for even a couple months, but at the same time i do want to heal as best i can, especially because this surgery comes with big scars and wounds already.

i've seen some articles that say your body burns 5000 calories a day whilst healing itself which seems preposterous to me, and i've also seen some say that you only burn a few extra hundred for the first week or so. i'm not sure whether to just try eating at maintenance, or whether it's fine to carry on at my small deficit.

i am planning on bringing it up with my doctor when i actually have the surgery, but i'm just looking for general advice and perhaps any input from people who have also been losing weight whilst having/recovering from surgery.

submitted by /u/goddessprotector
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advice for weight loss and calories whilst recovering from surgery advice for weight loss and calories whilst recovering from surgery Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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