As of today I’ve lost 50 lbs

Hi there! I’m back! Just wanted to share how excited I am!!!

One of the main things I’ve been looking forward to as a reward of losing weight is feeling more confident in myself this Halloween, and I’m really pleased with the results!

Haven’t changed much from my last post, except I’ve added a whole feast week instead of a cheat day because I’ve been finding it hard to reach a healthy calorie intake daily (side effect of meds :/)

It seems to really be working for me but I mean like, don’t just trust me, talk to your doctor.

Anyway, happy spooktober y’all![before and after ](

submitted by /u/its_not_about_you247
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
As of today I’ve lost 50 lbs As of today I’ve lost 50 lbs Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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