Does anyone else find deadlines extremely motivational? I know this sub is against them typically

When I say deadlines I don’t mean putting pressure on yourself or obsessing. I mean just telling yourself a goal by a certain date, taking the necessary steps to achieve that goal and then whatever the outcome measuring and celebrating your success.

I’ve been one of those people where if I don’t have a concrete goal (usually numbers or date oriented) I will slack off forever. I will find so many excuses. It’s comfortable being comfortable. However, when I have a big vacation, a birthday, a holiday coming up, a weigh in on a certain date etc. I find that not only does my motivation skyrocket but so does my discipline.

IMO I see it like if I’m not setting goals then I have no direction, and no end in sight. Yes, I might not hit the goal on the timeline I want. That’s fine. But having the idea of a potential date for the end of a cut and beginning of maintenance keeps me sane and on track.

Does anyone else feel this way? What are your big timelines/goals/plans/motivations? How do you maintain your discipline and stick to your plan if you don’t have concrete or numbers driven goals? Do you have different goals than by a certain date etc.? I’m curious what your goals are and do you find yourself achieving them?

submitted by /u/bluebeach88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Does anyone else find deadlines extremely motivational? I know this sub is against them typically Does anyone else find deadlines extremely motivational? I know this sub is against them typically Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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