How does cardio impact your energy intake?

I've been doing mostly resistance training and HIIT dumbbell workouts for the last year, and in the last two weeks I found out about PopSugar and some of the cardio videos have been fun (I've done the 30 minute hip hop tabata every day this week). But I feel like I get so much hungrier. I'm not sure if I'm hungrier because of cardio, or because I'm exercising for 60 minutes straight versus my regular 30-40 minutes. When I only did resistance training, I wouldn't feel as hungry as I do now.

I wanted to know about your own experiences with incorporating cardio! Do you feel like its hindering your progress at all? Or has it actually been helpful?

I just got a food scale so I can have help sticking to my deficit.

submitted by /u/northafricangirlgang
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How does cardio impact your energy intake? How does cardio impact your energy intake? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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