[Update] From Severe Obesity to the Best Shape of My Life; 275 > 165, -110lbs

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Pics first


So, I r/lostit big time. Over the past two years, I lost and kept off 110 lbs! There were a couple bumps along the way (see: the massive gap between August 2019 and July 2020. Fun fact, when you start dating again, you go out to eat a lot more than you’re used to!), but overall, I have spent the last year and a half so much healthier and so much happier than the years before it. I went from literally being unable to walk a mile because my shins felt like they were going to explode, and breaking a sweat going up one flight of steps to get home from work every day, to finishing C25K and lifting every other day!


CICO. That’s all I did. I had a super aggressive cut that I’ve since moved to 1900 calories a day. I try to get a minimum of 130g of protein a day in my diet. I eventually realized that I was skinnyfat and stopped doing so much cardio, but it took a while to really convince myself to start resistance training. I’ve lifted every other day since July 2020 and I feel fantastic. Here’s my routine:

200 jumping jack warm up. I’m considering getting a jump rope to help here.

5x10 dumbell bench press Superset with 5x8 dumbell curls

4x10 dumbell rows

4x10 skull crushers

4x15 dumbell front squats

4x8 dumbell shoulder press

Either 2x25 leg lifts or 2x60 second planks

Yes, I know I’m skipping leg day for the most part here. I’ve always had a lot of muscle in my legs and none in my upper body so I’m trying to catch up now! Any other notes here would be welcome and appreciated!


Progress pics

Before: 08/10/18 - 275 lbs, ~37% body fat

After: 10/16/20 – 165 lbs, ~12?% body fat

So, lately I have been feeling like it might be time to end the cut. Like I said, I’ve been averaging around 1900 calories a day, and the scale isn’t really budging. I definitely notice more muscle development on my chest and arms, which could explain that. One thing I have been super hesitant about is bulking too early because I’m super afraid of gaining a lot of fat again. What complicates that is I have a good amount of excess skin around my gut, so it’s really hard to eyeball what my body fat % is. My scale estimates between 11.5% and 14%, and the navy calculator says I’m 12%. If those are true then I want to start my bulk, but I guess I’m just worried because I don’t look like I’m that low. If anyone has any guidance here I’d appreciate it. If anybody also has any questions for me let me know!

submitted by /u/Halifish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dyljnL
[Update] From Severe Obesity to the Best Shape of My Life; 275 > 165, -110lbs [Update] From Severe Obesity to the Best Shape of My Life; 275 > 165, -110lbs Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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