Stressed and I know it’s not helping.

21 year old female. Starting weight was 325 pounds. Current weight is 237 pounds. My goal weight is 180 pounds.

Currently I am down 85 pounds since December 2019. I pretty much go to the gym about 3 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. Unfortunately my work location closed down on Halloween and I had so much to think about whether or not I wanted to switch locations or find a job at a different company. After making the decision to switch jobs, I continued to stress, scared that I made the wrong choice. I’m a little over a week into the new job, obviously still training and trying to get use to everything. I am still stressed.

I want to be mad at myself, I haven’t been to the gym in over a week. I’ve not necessarily gone over my calorie goal every day (maybe a day or two) but I’ve definitely not been eating the best. I just had my period which makes me just want to indulge into anything and everything sweet. My daily intake is about 1200 calories, and I’m just so bad at eating. I can’t eat in the morning after taking my thyroid medicine (you have to wait an hour) but I always wake up at the last second (again stressed) so I have to rush out. My lunch usually is small: smart popcorn/ veggie straws/ sunchips. Then dinner I’ve been either too lazy to cook so I’ll just snack for the night or I’ve been picking up dinner (Panda Express- Grilled chicken, Chick-fil-a 8 count nuggets, etc)

I feel like I’m in a hole. A dark, hungry, moody, stressed hole. How do I get out?

submitted by /u/SydneyElaineBoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Stressed and I know it’s not helping. Stressed and I know it’s not helping. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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