fitbit vs apple watch, which one is better for counting how many calories you lost?

i’m debating over a fitbit or apple watch. i’m turning 18 and i’m trying to decide which one i should get for my birthday. it would be super beneficial to know how many calories i lose when working out so i can track my calorie deficit accurately as possible. for now, i have nothing to track my lost calories so i just guess my googling the activities i did and compare with other peoples calorie loss

my mom has had a fitbit in the past and my dad did as well, they both said it got the job done for counting how many calories they lost and the steps they took but i’m curious what other people think about them. my mom has an apple watch now and she gets active reminders that tell her to be more active and get more steps in, i think this is a really cool feature so i’d like that. i also have an iphone, so i could use the other things with it. the fitbit is a little bit cheaper tho so i’m not sure

which one is best for counting calories lost during a workout? are either of them accurate, or am i better off without getting one?

submitted by /u/ultpietro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
fitbit vs apple watch, which one is better for counting how many calories you lost? fitbit vs apple watch, which one is better for counting how many calories you lost? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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