Smashed my bench and deadlift PB today!!

I haven't been to the gym at all for 7 days... I've been way too busy with work... (I know that's not an excuse but after 7 full days of 12/14 hour shifts I couldn't do it)

I also only really started weight training 3 months ago.

Today I decided to go just to start getting back into it, I normally am quite regular. Last week I could only bench 65kg around 143.5lbs but today I managed 70kg (around 155lbs) and I felt I could have done a little more if I had someone to spot me. I know this isnt impressive but I didn't start too long ago and my left shoulder isnt the strongest after an injury a few years ago so I'm pretty proud of myself.

I was really happy so went straight to deadlifts. 3 months ago I was at 100kg (220lbs) and for the past month or so I've been stuck at 115kg (253lbs) even last week I tried an extra kg and just couldn't do it....but today I managed 116kg, then 120, then 125 and I actually managed to lift 130kg!! (286lbs) once again I know it's not impressive but its honestly such an amazing thing for me! And it's now inspired me to focus more and more on deadlifting hoping this time next year I can lift over 200kg!

submitted by /u/Kitaro970
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Smashed my bench and deadlift PB today!! Smashed my bench and deadlift PB today!! Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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