Tip for people who struggle with night eating

For most of my life, my nightly ritual has always been to grab a bowl of cereal, watch TV for a bit, and then go to bed. Every time I've tried to lose weight in the past, I've told myself "No more food at night," and I always end up giving in to my cravings because it just makes me happy to do that routine. One of my very fit friends has been helping me lose weight recently, and he offered this solution: "Why not just save some calories for the end of the day so you can have your bowl of cereal and not go over on your calories?" I've been doing exactly that for a month now and I'm making great progress on my weight loss goal. I simply make sure I have an extra 300-400 calories left at the end of the day and I can have my bowl of cereal! I find that it motivates me to make good choices during the day because if I overeat for lunch or dinner, I can't have my cereal.

It might not be the ideal solution for night eaters, but I'm losing weight without giving up something that makes me happy/comfortable, so I see that as a win!

submitted by /u/OrionOnyx
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Tip for people who struggle with night eating Tip for people who struggle with night eating Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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