
Hi everybody,

I am struggling a little bit with losing weight. I am 5'11" and 233 lbs which is overweight or maybe obese--i don't keep up with my bmi.

I use three tracking apps to record activity (and the calculated calories used), food consumed (including calories and macros), and provide a recommended amount of calories to consume per day. My partner is vegan so I eat a vegan, vegetable focused dinner (usually about 700 calories), chia pudding for breakfast(i usually eat about 300 calories here), and usually a turkey sandwich with a fruit and vegetables for lunch (usually about 700 calories). Other calories consumed are from an after work snack and any feelings of peckishness rounding out at 2095 calories gross consumption.

I am supposed to eat 2095 calories and usually eat about that, usually less, and then do up to (per the app) 1000+ calories worth of exercise from walking 7500 steps, daily yoga from 20-60 minutes and i carry around a heavy backpack and carry my unagi scooter up and down my three floor walk up at least twice a day.

I feel that I am pretty active and am eating wholesome foods, but am not losing any weight.

I really need some insight! (I fit into a medium sized clothes and on the muscular side but I just don't know why I am not losing weight!)

submitted by /u/pderrickson2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Advice Advice Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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