Question for long time maintainers who lost a significant amount of weight and the stranger effect.

Hi. My question goes out to people who've lost a lot of weight and kept it off. I am struggling at times with the changes to my appearance--I'm not talking about the hanging flesh (although it bothers me a bit, it was expected and I'm working on it). I look different, especially in the face and I don't know how to feel about it. I'm going to go into this deeper with my therapist (I've had to put it on a shelf b/c there's been other things going on that need more immediate attention...but I might have time to face this now). It's been a major change and I'm still not done....and just when I think things have improved, out of nowhere I'll look at my reflection and my brain doesn't quite recognize me. It can be distressing. Upsetting. It's not that I don't like what I see. Before I started this journey, I told myself I wanted to become a different person. Well, I'm getting my wish in more ways than one and I'm having a hard time coping. It is not body dysmorphia. It's just a lot and it's something that people usually don't talk about, but I strongly suspect it's fairly common and it doesn't really have a name. It's not phantom fat, either. It's a change of identity and it's bizarre. Anyways, long winded post to ask this: does this get better over time? Will my brain finally get used to this? Do I just have to hold on and wait?

submitted by /u/HowDoesThatWorkNow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Question for long time maintainers who lost a significant amount of weight and the stranger effect. Question for long time maintainers who lost a significant amount of weight and the stranger effect. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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