Why did I stop losing weight?

I'm 17, female 160cm, right now I'm about 56kg. When I started my journey is July/August I was around 64kg, since then I have lost 8kg and had 2 weeks off exercise due to school, but now have been 2 to 3 weeks I'm exercising regularly ( cardio) and eating 1000/1500 calories a day, drinking 2 liters of water a day and doing a 3km walk everyday, but my weight does not go down, actually is going up, which is stressing me a lot, because I wanted to look thinner on my prom party in December.

I've also cut down sugar and eating healthy. My measures at the moment are Waist : 65cm Lower belly : 80cm Thighs : 54-52cm Arms : 28cm

Could someone help me?

submitted by /u/awasuri
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3BSsoKv
Why did I stop losing weight? Why did I stop losing weight? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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