The near constant sweating has to be one of the worst things about being obese
I trust the weight losing process, it’s been working and I feel better for it, so there are no complaints there.
But my god if one of the most frustrating things about being this size and moving more isn’t the sweats. It’s a mild day where I am, slightly humid thanks to rain after a prolonged heatwave, and I am dripping after a very short walk. Can’t be more than five minutes and although, yes, I was in a public place and so anxiety plays somewhat of a role, I’ve been down empty roads since then and the sweating don’t stop.
I just feel disgusting when I sweat and wanna stop whatever I’m doing and just have a shower. It’s almost like being claustrophobic except it’s the sweat on my skin that has me uneasy vs surroundings which are close.
I know that as I lose weight and get more active this should dissipate, but christ if it doesn’t make you wanna just sit on your behind all day - can’t sweat if you don’t move!
This is just another aspect of being overweight which makes it a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Sweating makes you uncomfortable so you don’t wanna move. Bad joints and inactivity make movement potentially painful so you don’t wanna move. Diet is obviously #1 but I alwa find I stick to mine better when I can stay active, and I believe it’s the same for others
Being fat sucks.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
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