I need to adjust how I ride my bike.

I live in a city, and go most places by bike. Shopping, work, what have you (non-US; everything is well connected for bike riders).

I lost more weight over the past few weeks. With the last 2-3 kilos, I noticed that I almost lost control of my bike in tight corners.

Combared to before the weight loss, the break distance has also changed. It's much longer at lower speeds, but a good deal shorter at higher speeds. Today, another cyclist almost ran into me, because I hadn't adjusted, and the distances felt off.

I used to sit more stably at lower speeds, while my control at higher ones was worse. Things are evening out now. Out of all the things that come with weight loss, this was one I didn't anticipate.

submitted by /u/PuzzledKitty
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I need to adjust how I ride my bike. I need to adjust how I ride my bike. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on September 01, 2022 Rating: 5

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