Beef isolate in recipes?

Does anyone have used Beef Isolate in baking or other recipes?

I am experimenting with Beef Isolate powder, as I am lactose intolerant and have IBS, so can't use whey or plant-based powders. I tried making bagels (egg, cottage cheese, beef isolate, baking powder) in an air-fryer but it all just came liquid and was a complete fail. This recipe worked well with other protein-powders, so I was taken aback with how beef one reacted.

I know you could add almond or coconut flour, but, unfortunately my gut issues are triggered with those.

submitted by /u/intucis00
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from Keto Recipes - Low Carb Recipes for Ketogenic Diets
Beef isolate in recipes? Beef isolate in recipes? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on February 27, 2025 Rating: 5

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