It's harder when your partner isn't as motivated as you.

To make a long story short, I'm at the beginning of my journey. I've lost 8 pounds with ~50 to go. I've been going really strong for about a month, which is the longest I've ever stuck with a "lifestyle change."

My boyfriend was very motivated with me at the beginning too, but I've noticed these past few days he's fallen off the band wagon and started drinking beers every night. At first it was a "I've done really well so far let me treat myself" that turned into "fuck it." It's not a big deal because he's not overweight but it always makes it easier to stick with a healthy lifestyle when you have a partner.

Yesterday he talked me into to going out to eat by tempting me with my FAVORITE restaurant (not a healthy one) and I caved. While I stayed within my calorie allowance, I felt so guilty about it, and today I've been absolutely RAVENOUS. I ate my leftovers in 2 portions, so I am still within my calories for the day, but I'm feeling extremely hungry and extremely guilty.

Our roommates are going out to eat and invited us. I declined but he decided to go without me so he can get some beers. If this were any other time I would have said "Oh well I already feel guilty today, I may as well go and just start over tomorrow." But I stuck to my guns and stayed home.

I'm going to have my last snack of the day, a nectarine, then go for a nice long swim.

submitted by /u/rosaliezom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
It's harder when your partner isn't as motivated as you. It's harder when your partner isn't as motivated as you. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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