
Day 5 now and still not feeling any blatantly obvious signs of the ‘flu’. I am a little fatigued now, but I had plenty of energy to do a fair bit today. Mostly house cleaning, a little shopping and some meal preparation for work next week. I am especially looking forward to the fat bombs that I have made to snack on … if they last that long!


Very simple recipe of ingredients I already had in my pantry and fridge (butter, coconut, cardamon, vanilla essence and cinnamon). Diet has complete recipe here:

I am finding the diet – or way of eating – surprisingly easy to accommodate. That said, it is very strict. With other ‘diets’ I think they allow you a ‘cheat day’ or small treats on a very limited basis. This allows you to fall off the wagon, so to speak, every now and then without completely undoing all of the hard work you had put in to date. On my 1200 – 1800 calories/day eating plan, I could eat anything as long as I kept within caloric intake limits. I could even have blow-out days of over 2000 calories without it being reflected on the scales. But even though I am shying away from carbs, not fats, I feel more restricted due to worrying about not maintaining/attaining ketosis.

There is flexibility in the diet though. Rather, I should say there is flexibility in the way I can adapt my meals to make them keto friendly, and it’s good to only have to worry about carbs, not so much the calories. Today I met my husband for a spontaneous lunch at Grill’d. He was in the mood for that particular cuisine, but he was worried I’d dismiss his choice as I wouldn’t be able to find anything on the menu for myself. I just asked for my burger without the bun and they were very happy to accommodate my request.

I’m also finding that even though I am eating slightly differently to the rest of the family, it’s not a huge burden. Below is an example of tonight’s dinner – Thai chicken curry.

IMG_5128IMG_5126 (1).JPG

I followed the’s recipe and substituted rice for my family’s meals. I cooked my veges in the microwave and the rice was cooked on the stove top. The meat/protein part of our meals is the same, it’s just that they may have additional veges to what I’m having (eg, potatoes) or I might have a different side dish. It certainly isn’t as onerous as cooking up a separate meal. I have to admit – their rice meals looked pretty awesome tonight. It just soaked up the curry sauce so appetisingly!

Who knows? As my repertoire of meals expands, we may discover things that we all can enjoy without any modifications.

Still in very good spirits … but then again, I am still on holidays! :)

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Preparation Preparation Reviewed by Health And Fitness on July 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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