NSV "Your stomach is so hard"

For the first time, I actually get to share a NSV on here, I have lost weight, but "only" around 10 to maybe 20 pounds from my heighest ever, so I never really had the "Oh wow, you're skinny now" phase happening to me.

However, I do small daily workouts for my mental health and have been doing so consistently for months now, only skipping them now and again, but getting right back to them. Recently, I have finally recognized some serious ED-like behaviors that I have developed while losing and now that I am actively fighting against those, I suddenly have all this energy!

I have taken my daily workouts to the next level and I feel amazing about it. Today I was standing next to my mom in the living room who was sitting on a chair and she leaned her head against my stomach as she does sometimes. Only today she remarked "Wow, your stomach is so hard now".

Damn right it is! As I am typing this, my fingers are still a little shaky from my workout, but I feel so excited to finally have the energy to get back into this.

While losing weight is important and can make you feel a ton better, I have now learned that at some point, you have to stop losing for good. My BMI is now just about 21 for a fairly muscular build and losing any more weight just zapped my energy and made me feel miserable. Now I'm on to the next stage, building muscle and archieving the best version of myself possible!

submitted by /u/ToughCookie00
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2XySShL
NSV "Your stomach is so hard" NSV "Your stomach is so hard" Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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