I have gained so much weight since COVID started and it’s hard to get motivated to exercise.

Since all the gyms were locked down during the first few months of the lockdown I ended up running and doing very basic calisthenics to stay active. I thought that the gyms would only be closed for a month or so and the weather was getting warmer so I didn’t think much of it. Then I just started getting lazy. Now we are in month 8 or 7 (it’s all a blur to me) and the gyms in my area are back open but I don’t trust them to keep everything clean. I have gained probably 30 pounds since this whole thing started, I lost all my muscle that I worked so hard to gain and I feel like a slob. My diet is out the window and I just can’t motivate myself to workout at home. Sorry for the long pointless post. Just venting.

submitted by /u/ChipiChipi9396
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I have gained so much weight since COVID started and it’s hard to get motivated to exercise. I have gained so much weight since COVID started and it’s hard to get motivated to exercise. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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