My Mother keeps telling me that I’m too skinny

I’m 18, F 142. I’ve lost over 30 lbs so I was 180 earlier this year. I’ve been able to maintain my weight loss with intermittent fasting, smaller portion sizes, and exercise. I’m almost at a normal BMI, but the issue right now is my mother. Every week is the same crap. “You’re too small” “You’ll faint” “You look sick” It hurts me so much because it makes me feel a bit insecure. My mom also does this to my little sister who is also at a normal weight. I mean, how could I be getting too small? My stomach is now beginning to flatten, which means this weight is perfect for me. However, she never fails to remind me how “unsexy” I am. I remember her saying something along the lines of how “this weight loss doesn’t fit your body type” You could say I have a proportionate body and curves, which have become a bit smaller as I lost weight, but that’s normal. I feel so healthy like this and my periods have become very regular. She’s so toxic I feel, because when I was larger, she would purposefully never tell me to lose weight, and consistently feed me large portions. Now, its an issue that I’m smaller. She even said that if I ever fainted she wouldn’t care and leave me to die because she told me so. How do I overcome this? I feel like my body is terrible because of this constant body and emotional shaming

submitted by /u/annabeelongx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
My Mother keeps telling me that I’m too skinny My Mother keeps telling me that I’m too skinny Reviewed by Health And Fitness on October 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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