Recommendations for an intervention?

Hi! First time poster, long time lurker here. I’m here to ask for advice. My dad is morbidly obese, has a heart condition and high blood pressure that are directly related to his weight (according to his doctor).

He has tried different diets, working with a personal trainer, and other things, but he expects quick solutions, and gets frustrated when they don’t work as fast as he would like. Anything he tries he abandons quickly and says things like “it’s not for me, I can’t do that”.

He falls asleep in front of us, in the middle of conversations even or at work. For this reason we also worry about him driving.

My siblings, cousins and I are very worried. We want to convince him to get an operation and start working on himself (therapy, exercise, diet). He’s in his early 60s and at this rate he probably won’t make it to 70. Any advise on how to approach this? We want to help him, not make him feel worst about himself.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/LauraSiEsta
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Recommendations for an intervention? Recommendations for an intervention? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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