Tracking calories during special occasions

I’m wondering if anyone has any helpful tips regarding tracking calories/staying somewhat on track during special occasion type situations where you are okay with just eating what is there but want to stay somewhat accountable for things. For example: I (23F) gained about 30lb during quarantine and was at 167lb, but have officially lost my first 10lb of that since dieting and exercising again in April. I just graduated college and have had a few events where it was hosted by a friend w/ “normal” , good food and alcohol and stuff. Frankly, I’m not the type of person to just not partake in what is being served bc of a diet especially since I’m not super overweight or in what I’d consider to be egregious shape. That said, the other night I was at a small get together that was the first time I had been able to see many of my college friends in the last year and we were all drinking champagne, random swigs of shots or whatever and I just completely didn’t track any of it at all . I feel it would be very hard to keep up with in that sort of a setting or even enter things accurately if I did bother with it. Does anyone have any words of wisdom though regarding these sorts of situations? Now that I’m vaccinated, and have finished school I feel this sort of thing will come up more often throughout the summer and I don’t want to gain all my weight back but also want to allow myself to be in the moment and have fun. Thanks

submitted by /u/blondegoblin512
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Tracking calories during special occasions Tracking calories during special occasions Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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