Finally under 200 LBs

I dont really post much here but thought I would share my journey so far. Started my journey Jan, 15 2021, with my first goal of getting under 200 Lbs. I don't count calories but I do eat less than I used to, and am also running a lot. I have an ultra marathon race on Aug 14th. I have tried to lose weight multiple times and normally would get down to 220 and quit and get right back up to 245. 46 LBS lost since January and it feels so good. I'm not done yet, but the first goal is completed. Also everything in life just feels easier now. I think I stuck with it because I have a goal of running 100 mile races one day, and losing weight will prevent me from getting hurt. Hope everyone is doing well

submitted by /u/Juicinator21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Finally under 200 LBs Finally under 200 LBs Reviewed by Health And Fitness on July 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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