i want to be better because i feel sad due to the imagine i see in the mirror

nsfw marked due to being a potentially triggering topic

i a 21(F) student, mentally ill. i've been overweight my whole life. yes, there has been a time (early to mid 2020 and 2019) where my weight was kinda ok and i liked my body. things went downhill when i started taking antidepressants. i hained 44 lbs, making me 5'7" x 202 lbs. i cant stand the image i see in the mirror. i feel so ugly, so big, so masculine and just a person who takes up place that i disgust myself. i've tried so many diets that ive lost count. i simply can't stick to it, food feels too delicious and heartwarming. but the comments i constantly receive from my loved ones, or simply seeing my friends look gorgeous and being able to take a picture and look nice, it's all heartbreaking. i've been on keto for a week now but im planning on combining it with Omad or IF. i'm also joining a cardio group + dancing classes. i'll keep on sticking with meds and therapy. on the other side, i'll try to focus on studying only and maybe some of my hobbies. wish me luck... i'll keep you updated.

submitted by /u/Illlustrious_Cheeks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dACp5B
i want to be better because i feel sad due to the imagine i see in the mirror i want to be better because i feel sad due to the imagine i see in the mirror Reviewed by Health And Fitness on July 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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