How do you count calories accurately across settings?

Im sorry if this has been asked before.

I've read the advice, I know how important it is to count every calorie, using a food scale. I purchase healthy food, meal prep for the entire week, and log that food meticulously.

But not every meal I eat is prepared by me at home. How do I accurately count calories when, for example, I go to my parent's house for dinner? My mom didn't measure out how much olive oil and garlic she put into the sauteed spinach. If I'm eating a meal at someone's house, I may ask about the ingredients in a dish they prepared, but I'm not going to hound them for metrics or weigh my food. I'm going to eyeball it and log as best I can.

I know a solution is to eat my own food before hand, that way I can control what I'm eating, and I do that for some situations. If I want to lose weight, do I really have to do that for every meal for the rest of my life? If the answer is "moderation", then what exactly is moderation? I try all the tricks I know- drink water, make healthier choices, eat slowly, eat with intention. But I'm still not losing weight. I know the answer is to track more accurately.

Sharing meals is a big part of my culture. Bringing my own Tupperware meal prep to a dinner, or eating before and sitting with an empty plate in front of me, is not sustainable for me. But I want to lose weight. What do I do??

submitted by /u/lonewanderer015
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How do you count calories accurately across settings? How do you count calories accurately across settings? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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