Sugar and dieting

Female 5'6 SW:184lbs CW:168lbs

So far I've lost a stone (15lbs) i found calories religiously and I'm fine with doing that it's not that bad, lately though I've been missing sweets and chocolates and cake, so I've found myself eating a lot of sugar in snacks and meals like I'll have cereal and rice pudding then I'll have cake, i never go over my calories though and i was wondering if this will effect my weight loss because i think it might but i don't understand how.

(I have done this with sugar since i was very little thought this isn't new and I've always been quite skinny, i only gained weight over quarantine.)

submitted by /u/poppyponds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Sugar and dieting Sugar and dieting Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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