8 Weight Loss Blood Tests that You Need to do Today!
You have restricted fat, sugar, oil, and rice from the diet; you have even pushed yourself to the extremes of exercise but still, you are gaining weight!
You fail to see the reason behind unexplained weight gain.
Well, you are still missing out an important aspect, your physiological health. In simpler terms, your blood may have the answer to it.
Hence you ought to be aware of the blood tests that can help you detect your weight gain reasons.
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There are a lot more reasons for a resistant weight loss than just bad diet and lifestyle. Hormones and weight loss are one of the oldest associations you can find.
Blood tests will help you determine your hormonal status accurately, indirectly helping the investigation of weight gain.
Watch the video to know why blood tests or lab tests are important for weight loss.
8 Recommended Blood Tests for Weight Loss
We bring to you these proven blood tests that will help you determine the root cause of your weight gain which will further aid you in fighting the cause in order to fight the weight,
1. Complete Liver Profile
The blood tests that come under the liver profile or liver function tests are ALT, AST, and GGT. Why request for this blood tests is because the liver is one of the major organs in the body which takes care of detoxification.
Detoxification is nothing but getting rid of the toxins, which also includes excess fat, from the body. The liver helps in fat metabolism. [1]
An overworked liver or a dysfunctional one can mean a buildup of toxins in the blood, inflammation as seen in obesity, and a fat accumulation around the belly.
All of us know how stubborn belly fat is to lose! So if you are looking at a long-term weight loss, pay attention to your liver health. That may hold a clue to your weighty issues!
2. Lipid profile
The test which comes next in line is the lipid or the fat profile test. The blood test that comes under a lipid profile test is HDL cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.
As you may know, high levels of LDL and total cholesterol sounds an alarm bell for your overall health; not just weight loss.
Similarly, a low level of HDL or good cholesterol is definitely a good sign. Get this report to a nutritionist for a diet-related solution.
3. Thyroid hormone test or thyroid blood test
A thyroid hormone blood test involves measuring T3, T4, and TSH levels. Do you know, the thyroid hormone works on every cell of the body controlling it. This also means our metabolism.
A thyroid stimulating hormone high level can cause a reduction in your metabolic rate (the amount of energy always burnt for heart beating, thinking, breathing etc).[2]
Not good news if you’re looking for weight loss. Read more about how thyroid hormones affect your weight.
4. Diabetes or insulin profile test.
A fasting and postprandial blood glucose test, same for the insulin levels can be done. Insulin is known to be a fat building hormone. So excess levels are sure to guarantee accumulation of fat in the body.
Not only does insulin result in fat storage, it also prevents the breakdown of fat as an energy source.
Diabetes is a condition signified by an increase in circulating insulin levels, leading to insulin resistance. Hence it is common sense to get your blood sugar and insulin levels tested.
5. Iron tests
The blood tests that you can request at serum iron, haemoglobin, ferritin, transferrin, total iron binding capacity.
This will help you understand your iron status. Now, weight loss is dependent on the availability of many nutrients, iron being one of them. If you are iron deficient, then you may experience fatigue and tiredness.
In this scenario, even your metabolism slows down. Exercise may also seem like a difficult task when deficient in iron.
Your dietician can help you out with ways to prevent iron deficiency by altering your diet. And studies have shown that correcting iron deficiency induces weight loss. [3]
6. Vitamin D and vitamin B12 tests
Vitamins and weight loss? Let us tell you the results of a study. Researchers have found that our body has a switch to control the weight.
The minute it reaches a set mark, it tries to maintain our body weight at that mark.
The entire problem starts when this set mark increases which happen during winters. Winters are also when vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is not available.
So when you are deficient in this vitamin, our body thinks it is winter and starts piling on fat! [4] Similarly, B-complex vitamins are important for the digestion and utilization of carbohydrates in the diet.
In their absence, this process gets disrupted leading to fat deposition. Hence it is important to have a diet that is replete with these nutrients.
7. Sex hormone tests
Women can struggle with weight if they have the polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones namely testosterone and insulin.
These present as menstrual irregularities and weight gain among others. Observational studies among young women with PCOS showed longitudinal weight gain. [5]
You can request for total and free testosterone test. We present a detailed view of how PCOS affects weight.
8. Stress hormone tests
Different hormones are released under stressful situations that lead to weight gain and obesity. It has been found that the body also releases a hormone called cortisol when it is under stress.
This hormone not only leads to storage of body fat but also increases food cravings and encourages hunger pangs for fatty or sugary foods. You can request a cortisol blood test.
So there you go, a complete list of blood tests that will help you understand your body well and help you make wise dietary decisions.
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