Why can’t I just maintain a deficit?

I understand the math, I understand the physics.

eat less move more. Calorie deficit, food tracking apps, food diary, macros. fiber and protein help keep you full longer, avoid sugar, simple carbs, alcohol. Weigh your food on a food scale to make sure you’re being accurate, measure your cooking oil.

It should be easy. Ive done it before even!

But now I’ve tried all the tips and tricks. I calculated the macros and calories I need and made a menu, same thing every day. That way I don’t even have to think about it! Just buy the same thing and eat that. Boring, yes. But that’s what I’m going for! I get too excited about food and think about it alot. Honestly I’d rather not. And it would be great for my adhd! It takes a lot out of me to think of what to eat , calculate the calories, then prepare and eat it. So the same thing consistently every day could be great!

Didn’t work. I’ve got a husband and a toddler as well. He cooks great meals and I also cook for them. It’s so hard to resist when you’ve got toddler snacks around constantly and a husband with much greater caloric needs than you spooning butter into a curry. It’s hard to sit at the table with everyone having barbecue chicken while I prepare a soup and salad for the sixth time that week.

I tried traditional CICO, intermittent fasting, keto, alternate day fasting, OMAD, 3 square meals a day, 5 small meals a day, I just can’t keep it up.

“Consistency is key!” Yes well how do I do that? one day I’m top of my game and stick to the deficit, the next week I’m basically a different person. How do I convince tomorrows me to stick with it?

I simply don’t have the space in my brain. I’m trying to run 2 businesses, organise staff rosters, look after a toddler and keep a half decent home (which, surprise, I can’t do with out a lot of help. Why does dishes, laundry, tidying, grocery shopping, vacuuming all take so long? I’m lucky enough to have family members helping with most household stuff but I still struggle with all the little things left over.)

And despite how busy things are I still overeat. I’ve gotten better at not regularly binge eating since getting medicated for my adhd, but still not losing. I’m 95 kg and 162cm tall and I’m a woman, so half a kg a week loss is still only 1500 calories or so.

Sorry this turned out to be much more of a rant than I intended. Can anyone commiserate?

submitted by /u/Stardustedwanderlust
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Why can’t I just maintain a deficit? Why can’t I just maintain a deficit? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 24, 2023 Rating: 5

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