Another "Weight Loss Is Not Linear" Post

I'm coming up on 1 year since I made achieving my goal weight my number one priority. It has been a long, frustrating year. When I got to about 165, I starting having weird periods of time where weight loss was not following my effort/the (correct) mathematical formula I was using in excel. I was on a low calorie diet (around 1000/day) and exercising a ton - lots of walking and some elliptical every day. 160-149 was pretty frustrating, it took about 3 months despite serious effort. Pretty sure that was cortisol issue. I toned down the effort and ate a lot more and am pretty sure it was water retention because I've lost from 145-133 now feeling like WTF is happening, I am not doing enough for this weight loss. Especially the last 5 pounds, they have just dropped off in the last 3 weeks. So, water probably.

Anyway, the key is consistency. For me that means at least an hour at the gym every day and sticking to a diet almost every day. I have had two seriously self-destructive Pizza Hut trash pigouts in the last two weeks, but recovered immediately by going easy the next day and then having a spot-on serious gym day and diet day on the 2nd day after. Starting to learn how skinny people do it.

I just wanted to share my chart so you can see the crazy swings I had (each set of dots is about 2 weeks). I weighed 153.9 the day I got home from Thanksgiving and 139.9 on Christmas Eve just for example.

Also for you ladies on the pill, I noticed I had a new low almost every month the day after starting the pill - so that might be a good marker to track each month. If I looked at the days I started my period some months had no loss or a gain, that's how wild the weight swings were for me!

20 lb to go, baby.

submitted by /u/md79
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Another "Weight Loss Is Not Linear" Post Another "Weight Loss Is Not Linear" Post Reviewed by Health And Fitness on March 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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