Today I realized my thinspo is no longer unobtainable.

I started counting my callories about a week ago. I started out not eating consciously and just eating normally. Averaging 2,100 a day, yikes. But I've since put a 1,600 restriction on and taking a 15 minute walk everyday and I feel amazing.

I'm no longer waiting for my next meal or worrying about my weight and looking at "unobtainable" thinspo. I used to look at r/progresspics and other subreddits all the time and try to convince myself I just could never stick to counting callories and exercising. But it's so easy now that I've started. I just put on 80s music and walk with my dog and it's so easy to just do 15 minutes of walking day.

I just want to thank everyone for showing me it really can happen. I can reach my goal, I no longer have to settle and convince myself my goal is impossible.

submitted by /u/9397127
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Today I realized my thinspo is no longer unobtainable. Today I realized my thinspo is no longer unobtainable. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on April 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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