Sorry guys, I straight up just need a little support

For starters- 25F 5’4 Down 40 lbs (50 from my heaviest) after struggling my entire life with my weight.

Usually feel pretty proud of how I’m doing, and I notice that clothes fit differently and that I’m more athletic than ever before. Most of the time I’m good at reasoning with myself ‘slow progress is sustainable’ ‘you’re building life long habits’ ‘this isn’t a race’ etc...

Lately I’m a little down- I keep seeing progress pics of people with stats similar to mine and I just feel like I don’t look As good/as thin/as noticeably different as other people do. My goal weight has changed to 120 because I really thought by 135/130 I’d look much different than I do...

I really wanted to buckle down during quarantine (overall I’m strict about 1200/1300 cal a day- have only gone over significantly 2 times and both I still stayed under 2000) and was going down a pound a week, adding in more exercise and overall doing well- but the past 4 weeks I’m jumping up and down the same 2 pounds, I know that’s not a long time but it’s still been getting to me

Sorry for the explosion of feelings- I just feel like I’m annoying my bf/ sister/mom/and BFF obsessing over this all the time and needed to get out my frustration!!

submitted by /u/MLF1122
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Sorry guys, I straight up just need a little support Sorry guys, I straight up just need a little support Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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