Can’t stop bingeing and new to size up

I’m having a really hard day. I’m feeling really sad, overwhelmed and angry with myself. I’ve been having lots of ups and downs the past couple weeks. My husband and I have managed to sort out our finances (which was a huge stress factor for years) and I’ve just gone back to work after 7 weeks off due to COVID-19. I haven’t been as consistent with my antidepressant as I should be this past month and I know that’s likely impacting my mental health a lot.

I’ve been going through a period of 3-4 days eating well, sticking to a 500 calorie deficit, moving more and feeling great. But then I binge or start eating at maintenance/overeating. Sleep hadn’t been great the past week (kids) and I’m exhausted. I’ve now had to sit down and accept I need to size up in clothing because I only have one pair of pants and a couple shirts that fit. I absolutely hate the way I look in my clothes and feel extreme uncomfortable when at work. I feel like my physical appearance just doesn’t suit my personality and the person I want to come across as.

Sitting down and writing out some steps I can take to combat this. Could really use some words of wisdom/encouragement etc.

submitted by /u/ohmykale
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Can’t stop bingeing and new to size up Can’t stop bingeing and new to size up Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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