Minor winS make a major win.

So many wins so fast! I’m so proud of myself. I still have a Long way to go, but today was the first time that I weighed less than 80KG since February of last year. In February 2019, I was not eating, I was losing but I wasn’t eating and I got to 78KG but immediately gained it back when I gave up, but I am now 79.5KG loosing it the HEALTHY way.

I was also stuck in a plateau for about 2 weeks and when I upped by protein and calorie intake suddenly the weight just all came off! I feel great and really happy. I can’t wait to lose it all now! Suddenly 65 KG seems v attainable. I can do this. My dream is to wear a bikini to rottnest island in Australia and I’m gonna do it. I’m so ready for my lifestyle to change. I deserve it and am gonna work so fucking hard for it.

submitted by /u/sparkyung
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3cWUmIs
Minor winS make a major win. Minor winS make a major win. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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