Dating after weight loss

When encountering new romantic partners, do you mention that you used to be a former chonkster?

My highest recorded weight is 232lbs, I’m sitting at 160lbs as of today. I don’t often admit it, but I carry a lot of shame about my old body. If you didn’t know me back then I usually won’t talk about it.

For example, i was seeing someone intimately in the summer and never once brought it up/showed them pictures from that time in my life. I think they could probably tell I was an ex fat as I do have some telltale signs; some loose skin (especially around the breast area) & residual stretch marks. I just find that I cant open up about that old part of me? Does anyone else feel the same way?

submitted by /u/mng95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Dating after weight loss Dating after weight loss Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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