Just started getting serious about weight loss... Got some questions

I recently started eating less, and working out more. I've been at it for 2 days know and was used to eating a lot. I recently cut back and have eaten roughly 3,400 calories over the past two days. I've also stopped drinking soda completely, and have switched to drinking tons of water, one water a day, I put a packet of sweetener in, which is worth no more than 5 calories.

So here's my question: Why do I not feel hungrier if I am eating significantly less? Why am I not dying to drink a soda, I feel like I should have withdrawals or something from how much I was drinking a day? Is working out distracting me from the food, and soda?

submitted by /u/FrostyGhost1086
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38DLDMU
Just started getting serious about weight loss... Got some questions Just started getting serious about weight loss... Got some questions Reviewed by Health And Fitness on November 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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