Refeed days when cutting

21M 5"6 CW 127.3 lb I've been on a cut for a year now, very slow weight loss and sometimes sloppy but overall i did what I had to to do, stick with the caloric deificit, eating clean most of the time but not restricting myself, it hasn't been accurate completely because of lack of tools like a kitchen scale and a bathroom scale etc, i lost 12 pounds in 12 months eating 1700 calories per day (500 calorie deficit supposedly which I thought it was, when it was probably a 300-400 cal deficit) recently a couple of weeks back i weighed myself in a pharmacy (emphasis on, I DONT HAVE A BATHROOM SCALE) and my TDEE is 2000 cal so I've been eating 1500 cal/day, i bought a kitchen scale a month ago so overall everything I eat has become more accurate in terms of the caloric values and portions and all that for a while now. Where I want to get is that, I'm lean I look great, but not lean enough and probably lost muscle mass during all the slow cut i did which is ironic. All I ever wanted was noticeable abs and I'm getting close, is it counterproductive to eat at a surplus of 1000-1500 cal one day per week? I told my self that I was going to do only 300-600 surplus refeed days ONCE per week because i've been on acut for so long and it feels great it helps psychologically but, is it self sabotaging my progress if Instead of eating 300-600 cal over may manintenance I'm eating 1000 cal over? It's just one day a week. Sorry for long text!

submitted by /u/synthetichuman2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Refeed days when cutting Refeed days when cutting Reviewed by Health And Fitness on May 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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