Eating when hungry vs eating for the sake of eating

I just started doing this a few days ago, am using myfitnesspal, I went for the lose a kilo a week option, and after the first two days getting into it I'm here on the fourth day, second day in a row 2000 joules below the 6200 max, and it's pretty strange, I went for a 40 minute walk / jog, I'm back and I don't feel hungry, I just feel like I could eat, and like I vaguely want to, yet I don't actually have any real reason to. I also feel like I should be hungrier because I'm coming in so low?

I'm basically resisting eating tuna on bread right now, because I don't really feel hungry, yet it would probably still leave me 800 joules below my limit. And I also really want to eat it for some reason despite not actually feeling at all like I want to. Like I want to eat because I'm bored or something. It's pretty weird and kind of contradictory, I'm pretty interested in your guys thoughts / similar experiences.

submitted by /u/Extreme-Football5597
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Eating when hungry vs eating for the sake of eating Eating when hungry vs eating for the sake of eating Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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