Importance of having a goal

Hi everyone,

I am a long time lurker and have been on an ongoing path to lose weight. I was skinny growing up, playing sports all the time and whilst my upper part was non muscular I always had big feet. Then I moved to another country and combine crappy food with no movement and you go from 80kg to 120 really fast. Being 21 and 120kg is not ideal, things that were fairly easy before became exhausting and my life was more or less miserable. I lost my then relationship and moved back home, where I slowly started to realize what I’ve done to myself. Fast forward a bit and I am in another relationship for 3 years now and moved to yet a new country to start a career and build from scratch. I told myself numerous times that I need to lose weight, but I never asked myself why I want to do it. I forced my body to eat stuff I didn’t want to eat, thinking that just by sticking to a diet for a while I will lose the weight and then I can go back to eating a family pizza for dinner. Shockingly, that didn’t work. I got a nutritionist and a personal trainer and started to see some results, only to erase those results while in holiday back in my country. I still forced myself to do those things just because I wanted to lose weight, but I wasn’t sincere with myself as to why I want this. It just seemed odd and still does, but I used to skip training sessions, have more cheat days than diet days, get stresses with work and eat like a madman...

Then one day a few months ago I just looked in the mirror and felt the lowest I felt in my entire life. That moment I knew why I wanted to lose weight. Of course that health is important, but for me it wast’t that. I wanted to look good, and when I say look good, I mean greek god type of good. Might sound a bit superficial, but that was my goal, I set it then and there and not one second after have I told myself that it is impossible.

Few months later, I am on the right path and not only change is showing on my body/face, but I feel as motivated as I felt when I had my mirror self analysis. I didn’t tell my girlfriend about it, I didn’t tell anyone, I knew it is my fight to fight, but I also knew there is no way I am not winning.

I was aware few things had to be changed, so I started with food. Why would I eat something that stays between me and my goal? Why would I ever think that eating junk food 5 times a week is a good idea? So I started shifting my perspective. For some months now I eat a varied diet, high in protein and low on carbs. But I don’t think about my eating habits as of a diet, it is how I eat and it is how I will always it. I sought recipes, informed myself about macros, about benefits of different food groups, spoke with my nutritionist and formed a knit with her so that we monitor and fine tune where needed.

I also stepped my gym game up. If before I barely went, now I am there 5-6 days a week and to be honest I feel lazy when I don’t go. I train 4x/week with a personal trainer and 1-2 days solo. I am also staying 30 minutes after each hour with my trainer, because I want and need to workout more. The results? Last week I bench pressed 80kg 6 reps, i pushed 300kg in inclined foot press, 8 reps, I pretty much doubled or tripled my gym records in a span of 2-3 months. Everything I do at the gym, I try to do until muscle failure or reversed (highest weight I can, max reps I can, then take some weight off, max reps etc). I want to shock my body everyday I am at the gym because now I am in control and I know what I need to do to make it work.

I wake up early now, I stopped smoking, I drink more water, I am strictly following my nutritionist’s supplements and dosages. I am doing it. If I have a bad day, I cool it with a workout, if my job is slow (self employed ), I workout to release my stress.

In a span of a few months I went from seeing close to no results to developing a good base of muscle for my body and to losing weight on a steady basis. I still have to drop my body fat about 8-10% (at 20 right now) but that is not a problem, I know how.

I don’t know why I made this post, it might seem a bit arrogant, but if there is one person out there that can read it and get some help from it, I am happy.

Some pics bellow: before the change and now, whilst working for it.

submitted by /u/MeetTheV
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Importance of having a goal Importance of having a goal Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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