Should I go to the gym despite severe mental illness?

Title post is the question at hand. Long story short, the entirety of my family is obese, past+present alcoholics, and lives with a plethora of mental illnesses. I was obese my whole life as I've always used food as a comfort for everything. Managed to go from 250+lbs to 135lbs in less than a year, inadvertently developed anorexia, got pressured to eat more and a few years later ended up eating as before/returning to old habits. The last year and a half has been quite simply terrible, just one thing after the other. Lost the very few opportunities I had in life and I've spent the entire pandemic doing absolutely nothing. Put on 80+lbs in that time.

In any case, the one acquaintance that hasn't stopped talking to me has repeatedly suggested going to the gym. Problem being the aforementioned issue with mental illness which has rendered me completely non-functional. Five different anxiety disorders, treatment resistant depression, depersonalization, insomnia, etc. I hardly if ever go outside nowadays, as that just triggers a panic attack and accelerate the depersonalization.

The one experience I have with a gym is when said acquaintance took me to one, and the people there stared and laughed at me as I couldn't even lift the bar without plates on it.

I legitimately don't know if I can even do this. I don't have any clue of what to do in a gym regardless. Literally eating myself to death once again but food is the only comfort I have left.

submitted by /u/MacabreM3nthol68
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Should I go to the gym despite severe mental illness? Should I go to the gym despite severe mental illness? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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