Sort of amusing realization about emotional eating

So, some emotional eaters (like me) will also get the urge to eat their emotions when those emotions are positive. Apart from social condition which links celebrations to food, good wheather to ice cream, etc. I also had an amusing (at least to me, lets see about you guys) realization.

I remembered a post I read somewhere, (probably Tumblr) with a conversation. Someone writes "You ever find yourself involuntarily blowing on your ice cream? What's up with that?!" And the next person goes "Probably something like this: Brain: 'Mouth, watch out, food is very temperature'. Mouth: 'No worries, I know what to do. I learned from soup'"

So possibly, what goes on when I find myself super happy and still feel an urge to binge eat, is my brain going "Wow, today I am very emotion... But I got this, I learned from dealing with trauma!"


submitted by /u/MonaLisa341
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Sort of amusing realization about emotional eating Sort of amusing realization about emotional eating Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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