Why did I even let myself get here. How can I keep going when even making progress feels discouraging

Sorry if this isn’t coherent I’m kind of hungover and possibly still drunk from last night haha. I just need to vent about something that’s been weighing (Ha!) me down.

I gained a lot of weight during the pandemic, ~30 pounds. What’s really hard is that I gained the weight right after losing all of it and getting to my lowest weight in years. I took a VERY unhealthy approach to weight loss that destroyed my mental health. Though I couldn’t appreciate it more at the time, I was happier with how I looked, how quickly I lost the weight, and how strong I had become. the pressure I put myself under had become too much and I had taken a sharp turn in the other direction, becoming completely sedentary and eating poorly (wooooo depressionnnnn!!!).

For the past few months I’ve been trying to lose the weight in ways that are more sustainable + better for my mental health than before. I figured the reason I rapidly gained so much weight immediately after I had lost it was bc of how much I restricted myself (+ the pandemic of course). This of course means I’m losing much MUCH slower. 3 months into my journey last time around I had already lost all the weight. This time around, I’ve only lost a fraction of that. Other people have even noticed I’ve lost weight. But it just makes me feel so bad bc even though I’ve lost weight I’m still much bigger than I was this time last year.

I’m not going to stop bc what would be the point of that. It’s just HARD knowing how much physical and mental effort I’ve put in just to not even be close to my goal. I don’t know what’s up with me this week, most days I can enjoy the journey and not be too hard on myself. I tell myself Rome wasn’t built in a day and celebrate the fact that I’m making the right choices day in and out. This week it’s been really tough though. I want to cry thinking about it, my therapist is in for an earful.

submitted by /u/Legal_Abbreviations4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3gxLbBV
Why did I even let myself get here. How can I keep going when even making progress feels discouraging Why did I even let myself get here. How can I keep going when even making progress feels discouraging Reviewed by Health And Fitness on June 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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