How much pounds per month/weightloss slowing down.

Hey everyone, I'm not too worried about my weightloss, I know I'm on track and I'm losing but my weightloss is slowly slowing down, which is normal but I'd still like to know if losing 11-13pounds a month at 295 after losing 60pounds in 4months is good? I'm in my 5th month of weightloss and obviously, I'm no longer losing 15-20pounds a month.

Is 11-13pounds a month usual around this time for someone my weight? I feel like it's good but I also know at my weight It's easier to lose..I also know tho that after 5months of "dieting"(I put it in quote just bc I don't like the idea of dieting.. I'm just being healthy and eating like a normal person) and being active, It's still very possible for my weightloss to be less fast but still be steady.

I see changes in my body, I'm still in my calories deficit and I'm more active.

I guess, I'd just like to know if once I lose an other extra 50pounds then I'll only be able to lose so much in a month no matter the efforts if I currently I'm losing 11-13pounds a month.

I'm aware it usually gets harder and harder and that it will slow down but what are you supposed to do then? More workout? Be more restrictive? Or that's just how it goes?

submitted by /u/HeythereClaudia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How much pounds per month/weightloss slowing down. How much pounds per month/weightloss slowing down. Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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