I Lost Lots Of Weight, But Now I’ve Slipped Back Into My Old Lazy Ways And Put A Lot Of Weight Back On, How Can I Reignite My “Drive” And Maintain It?

(17 Year Old Male) I have brief periods of productivity and hard work, but then it eventually fades away and I go back to my old lazy self.

I want to go back to my productive hardworking self and MAINTAIN it. I desperately-desperately want to maintain it.

I don’t enjoy being lazy, In fact it makes me depressed but it’s something I cant seem to help.

For example when the first lockdown started at the beginning of 2020 I had a massive productivity phase. I was eating healthy, I had a great diet that i followed religiously and i was genuinely happy to follow it. I was running and working out multiple times a week. I went from 20 stone (280 pounds) to 12.1 stone (170 pounds). I looked amazing.

I was happier I was healthier. I was not only active but also productive with my education (I study music). I was practicing my instruments EVERYDAY, I was writing songs everyday too. My room was always clean. I was always full of energy.

This faded around the beginning of 2021.

Now i’m back to being 15.7 stone (220 pounds) my diet is horrible, I haven’t ran or worked out in ages. My room has been a mess for months. For months I wouldn’t practice my instruments or study for my music course, by some miracle i manage to pass my exams somehow and move onto the next course. I also barely have any clothes that fit me anymore....

Recently in the past month I have been practicing my instruments everyday which I am proud of.

Today I even tidied my entire room too because i wish to go back to my old hardworking self.

I haven’t been active in months though...... However I have scheduled to go running and to the gym with my old running/gym buddy. I’ve also bought everything that was a part of my old diet and I plan to start tomorrow.

I feel hopeful and energetic. I feel determined and driven again.

How can I make sure I maintain this and not slip into my old ways again?

TLDR: used to be hardworking and active but recently became lazy and unfit. Trying my best to get back to my old hardworking ways, how can i make sure I don’t sup back into my old lazy ways again? How can I stay driven and motivated?

submitted by /u/AceSwitchblade
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I Lost Lots Of Weight, But Now I’ve Slipped Back Into My Old Lazy Ways And Put A Lot Of Weight Back On, How Can I Reignite My “Drive” And Maintain It? I Lost Lots Of Weight, But Now I’ve Slipped Back Into My Old Lazy Ways And Put A Lot Of Weight Back On, How Can I Reignite My “Drive” And Maintain It? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on August 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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