How do i prevent gallstones during dieting and weight loss?

Female, 5'1 and 85kg

i want to drop to around 47kg. This means i need to lose 38kg and I was hoping i could lose this by next year (2023 September - November)

So i decided i want to lose weight and i got myself really excited for this journey until i stumbled upon a few posts that talked about gallstones and how a lot of people who lost weight fast had to get gallstones removed because of so much pain (or some even needed to get their gallbladder removed) This has made me paranoid and completely made me feel down about losing weight. I know i need to lose weight but how can i now lose weight with this new mindset and fearing this could happen to me. I have a few questions and if anyone answer or just give some advice, i would be grateful.

Have you lost weight fast and not had this happen to you? If yes, please explain what you did, what you ate and did you go into losing weight knowing of gallstones and trying to prevent it? or did you not have any idea weight loss could lead to gallstones until later?

Is 12 - 14 months a decent amount of time to lose 38kg? i have seen some people talk about losing this amount in 6 - 8 months so surely 12 - 14 months isn't fast. I want to lose weight slowly so that i can prevent gallstones.

I want to prevent it because i absolutely hate surgery and if there's a way to prevent this then i need to know how. A few days ago, I had thought about a diet so i was thinking of in the mornings having green juice or just some fruit with greek yoghurt, for lunch and dinner i was thinking salads with boiled eggs. I watch alot of korean channels and i have watched some korean youtubers weight loss meals so i was thinking of going that route and following their meal plans. bibimbap is a good example of what i would have for lunch or dinner. I will be eating less bread and less rice. Going for alternatives like water biscuits etc. Drinking more water or making my own juice with fruit. For snacks i could have some nuts, fruit or making my own nakd bars. I love the nakd cocoa orange bars so was thinking of making them myself as a snack. So would this diet be okay?

I have a home treadmill and an excercise bike so will be using them to exercise. i will also be dancing and doing workout routines.

I really just need some advice after feeling so horrible from reading all these posts about gallstones from weight loss when i started to feel so excited for this journey. :(

submitted by /u/hiyaheyx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
How do i prevent gallstones during dieting and weight loss? How do i prevent gallstones during dieting and weight loss? Reviewed by Health And Fitness on September 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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