Today was the final straw and I want to hold myself to account. UPDATE : 14 days and 10 pounds down!

Stats: M36 6'1" SW: 332 CW: 322 GW:224

First off I'd like to thank everyone who replied to me on the Day 1 thread. Every single person had the intention of helping me and was really positive whilst also being realistic about the challenges I face - this subreddit is super wholesome. This really helped me at times during the last two weeks, especially when I was hungry/frustrated with my bodies reaction at suddenly being deprived of the calories it expected.

I have lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks: Progress Pic

On reflection of the last two weeks...

I will Start:

  • Calculating my TDEE regularly. This was recommended by a lot of people on the subreddit and makes sense - over time my weight drops and therefore my TDEE will also.
  • To increase my exercise. Now my food habits have been addressed I'd like to start putting more effort into exercise. I will start by increasing the distance I walk each day (I am fortunate to have some very rural yet accessible walks where I live - and one very energetic dog) but will look at introducing more intensive cardiovascular workouts as my weight drops - for example I enjoy rowing, so a rowing machine is a potential future investment.

I will Stop:

  • Beating myself up when I inevitably lose less than 10 pounds in the next two weeks (my target is 2lbs a week). In the past I've gotten disheartened when I have lost a little or no weight during a set time, especially after getting huge progress at the start of a "diet". I have to keep reminding myself that this is a long term lifestyle change - a marathon, not a sprint and any loss (or even no gain) is a win in itself.

I will Continue:

  • Tracking Calories and limiting my intake at a -1000 calories deficit
  • Preparing more of my own food and taking the opportunity to introduce more healthy foods to my diet. I've invested in some healthy eating cook books and as such have had the opportunity of trying some tasty yet low calorie dishes.
  • Allowing myself to eat out when the occasion arises - I did eat out once in the last two weeks. I'm not going to punish myself by shunning social events involving food. What I will do is try and estimate as best as I can on the calorie intake and lower my calorie intake on other days to compensate.

Thanks again, please advise and feedback if you feel I've got anything right/wrong and see you in two weeks!

Detailed Progress:

Post (Day) Weight Progress
1 332 Pic
14 322 Pic
submitted by /u/muppetfeatures86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
Today was the final straw and I want to hold myself to account. UPDATE : 14 days and 10 pounds down! Today was the final straw and I want to hold myself to account. UPDATE : 14 days and 10 pounds down! Reviewed by Health And Fitness on September 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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